Individual, Marriage, Family, & Group Therapy
We offer therapy in a comfortable and supportive environment. We will develop a plan that meets your needs and addresses your goals. If you're feeling stuck or overwhelmed, counseling is a good place to start.
Check out our upcoming events here.
Personal & Professional Development
Coaching helps with getting ‘unstuck’ and stepping out of your comfort zone in order to achieve results and experience the change you’ve been wanting. If you’re feeling like there are never enough hours in the day or the daily demands of life are preventing you from thriving, we can help.
Parent Coaching
Learn how to manage behavior, determine what is normal for your child, and receive guidance and support as you face typical parenting challenges.
Academic Support & Coaching for College Students
The transition to college can be daunting and overwhelming. Students studying in higher learning are often overlooked. We can help provide proactive support as well as problem solving and strategies for students currently trying to manage the demands of higher learning and lifestyle change.
Executive Function Coaching for All Ages
Research and findings on how our brain works is rapidly developing and changing. The interventions taught and used in the classroom, workplace, and everyday life intended to improve executive functioning are outdated and archaic.
Executive function coaching can help you master skills required every day, helping you edge closer and closer to your goals and dreams. We work with adolescents and teens on methods to master planning and time management, sensing time and prioritizing, using technology effectively, tackling tasks in smaller parts, and following directions.
We offer assessments and 1:1 coaching services that are tailored to meet the needs of children, teens, college students, and adults.
We work with you to explore and understand your challenges and goals. You’ll have help every step along the way toward your goals, and we will teach you how to coach yourself. Whether you're looking to take some small steps or massive action, coaching can be a life-changing process.
Learn more about how executive functioning impacts daily life and how we can help here.

Individual/Group/Family Consultation
One-time consultations, including observations, reports, information and advice. We often provide parents and caregivers with insight and direction regarding parenting, behavior, trouble in school, and navigating the IEP/504 process. A consultation can be enough to get you on the right path, or you may decide to continue our work together.
Academic/School Consultation
We provide schools and universities with trainings, workshops and consultation to fit individual needs. Whether the objective is to address a specific problem, implement a school-wide initiative, or anything in between, we can help. Areas of expertise: behavior management, topics in professional development such as executive function interventions in the classroom, behavior management and alternatives to punitive & adversarial interventions, school avoidance, 504/IEP development and implementation, and improving relationships with students.
Organizational Consultation
We value a systems approach to learning and solving problems, so we know that working with professionals in the workplace and community organizations can influence wide-scale change. We provide workshops, training, professional development and speaking for your individual needs. Contact us to determine a personalized plan for your group.
Telehealth Services
Telehealth has increasingly become an invaluable resource for service delivery. Engage in services in the comfort of your home, often eliminating time constraints involved with traveling to and from appointments and expanding your choice of service providers. Telehealth services are available at Anchored Unbound for clients in the state of Ohio.